Trash Talk Update

Over the years, The Landings Association periodically has reviewed the feasibility of moving to a single trash service provider to reduce costs for residents and to also reduce the volume of heavy-duty trucks on our roads. TLA recently considered two options in our most recent review. Request for bids were sent to all companies currently operating in The Landings. The first option would include the cost of trash service as part of the Annual Dues with direct billing to TLA by the provider. After consulting with legal counsel, TLA determined that this arrangement would not be allowed under our current Covenants. The second option would provide a lower cost to residents if certain levels of participation (% of residents) were met. Under the proposed program, a service provider would offer lower prices based on the percent of participation of residents. Billing would be directly to the resident. Because any participation would be voluntary, TLA could not guarantee any specific level of participation. In addition, past experience with the Pine Straw program showed that we do not have the staff capacity to manage the workload that arises out of such a program. As a result, TLA has decided not to move forward with this program at this time.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.