Kids Fishing Derby Has a New Date for the Fall
CCA Skidaway- Kids Fishing Program Chair
Dear Friends and Members of CCA Skidaway,Â
In mid-April, due to the uncertainty of future Executive Orders from the Governor involving sheltering-in-place and social distancing rules, CCA Skidaway made the decision to postpone the Kids Fishing Derby from its normally scheduled slot on the Saturday morning of Memorial Day weekend to sometime this fall.
Because many earlier rescheduled island events now are being targeted for resumption in the fourth quarter of the year, we decided to set a tentative date of October 17 to conduct this year’s Derby, and we want to get the date on everyone’s calendar. Savannah-Chatham County Schools authorities recently decided to reopen schools in August, and they are anticipating that children will be returning to a safe environment. We’ll have several weeks to see what that experience looks like for the schools before we make a final decision about holding the Derby. We hope to make the go/no announcement sometime in September.
Meanwhile, we will continue to monitor the Kids Fishing Lagoon’s conditions throughout the summer and expect the blue gills to remain active and plentiful while we feed them fish pellets daily using the automated feeders. Please mark your calendars, stay tuned for a future announcement, and be safe. We hope to see you and the kids in the fall!
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.
Visit to read the original article.