President’s Update - March 20, 2020
Normally, I write my President’s update at the end of the month. However, currently, nothing is normal, at least as we knew it.
What do you say when a community feels like it is in the path of a category 5 hurricane and is being instructed to shelter in place? We are being inundated with an overload of information and are witnessing events, which are having a profound impact on our way of life. We cannot begin to comprehend how this crisis might affect our future. Stress? We are experiencing stress at the speed of light. The new normal of social distancing is the exact opposite of life in The Landings. Socialization has been our “normal” for as long as most of us can remember.
Here's the good news. The Landings has an excellent track record when it comes to dealing with adversity. After Hurricane Matthew, this community came together and helped each other. Spontaneously. We were a community in every sense of the word. We will and are doing that again, helping each other in a manner appropriate to this new normal. As we did with Hurricane Matthew, we will get through this crisis using common sense, patience, and humor.
In 1939, the British Ministry of Information printed three posters to inspire the British people in the face of war. Two posters were used, but the third poster, to be used in the event of a German invasion, was never used, and the posters were destroyed during the war. In 2000, a bookstore owner in Alnwick, England, found one of the third posters that somehow survived in a box of books. He was so taken with it that he framed and posted it in his shop. The poster reads, Keep Calm and Carry On.
Good advice as we wait for a possible invasion of our island. Your Landings Association continues to operate within the CDC and Presidential guidelines. We will keep you updated on developments that impact our community. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me or any other board member.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.