Dear Residents,
The Landings Association’s major road repaving project for 2020 is scheduled to begin shortly. This almost $1.1 million contract ensures your roads remain in good driving condition and are safe for residents, guests, and vendors. There are 15 roads included in the project scope, selected based on condition, as demonstrated by significant degradation of the road wear surface, including root intrusions, alligator cracking, and potholes. The specific streets scheduled are summarized in the chart below.

Simultaneous to the road repaving project is our
community path project. This year, The Landings Association will spend almost a quarter-million dollars continuing the conversion of the common property community paths from asphalt to concrete. Though concrete has a higher unit cost than asphalt, it also lasts much longer. In addition, once all paths are converted to concrete by the end of 2022, whenever replacements are required, we can replace just a few panels as needed rather than entire sections of asphalt.
One publication to read about such projects is in the just-posted
2019 Annual Report. This report provides not only the audited financials of the Association and its wholly-owned subsidiary The Landings Company, but it also gives insight into accomplishments and challenges from last year, as well as a preview of 2020 programs. You can view the document at > Annual Reports.
One of the positive trends of note, the 2019
Community Development Department statistics reflect increased investment in exterior property improvements over 2018. Permits approved for home additions and alterations exceeded 2018 by 150, for a total of 453 permits in 2019. Although Chatham County is the permitting authority for interior work, TLA does require permits for dumpsters, and the 2019 data reflects that 70% of the 204 dumpsters were used for interior renovation/remodeling. This is only a portion of interior renovation activity, since many contractors don’t use dumpsters.
We’ve also received the 2019 Annual Report from our
Neighbors Helping Neighbors volunteers, a TLA Board-appointed Committee. These volunteers have been serving our community for more than 20 years, providing residents with rides to medical appointments and delivering medical equipment, and, more recently, building temporary ramps for residents. Every year over the past four years, the number of equipment requests has grown at double-digit rates. In 2019, 225 items were delivered…a 35% increase over 2018. Separately, these volunteers touched residents an additional 157 times, largely through roundtrip transportation to medical appointments or ramp installation. We owe Neighbors Helping Neighbors a debt of gratitude. They are part of the larger community of volunteers that shape the character of The Landings.