Audubon Update

Courtesy of Skidaway Audubon

A Home for Nature & You

Bird populations have dropped more than 25 percent in the last 50 years nationwide, due mainly to habitat loss. One solution could be right in your backyard.

The National Wildlife Federation’s (NWF) Certified Wildlife Habitat Program is designed to encourage homeowners to create a haven for wildlife in their backyards – and it couldn’t be easier.

The requirements are listed below:

  • Three Food Sources: a bird feeder, plants, or trees with foliage and pollen
  • One Water Source: a birdbath, a lagoon, or other water body
  • One Form of Cover/Shelter: such as a wooded area, a hedge, or shrubs
  • Two Nesting Areas: a birdhouse, mature tree, or dense shrub
  • Two Sustainable Practices: such as using native plants, minimizing lawn area, using mulch, or limiting water use.

The reward? A greater variety of birds and butterflies in your garden, the knowledge that you are helping to combat bird losses nationwide, plus a full-color, personalized certificate, a one-year subscription to National Wildlife® magazine, and the opportunity to buy signage designating your garden as a Certified Wildlife Habitat®.

Simply go to and complete the online form. The fee is just $20. For $30 more, applicants will receive an attractive metal yard sign or garden flag to show your support for wildlife.

According to Skidaway Audubon, the number of qualified yards on the island is large, but very few residents have taken the time to obtain the certification.

As nesting season approaches, now is a good time to Think Globally, Act Locally and get your yard certified as a welcoming habitat for the birds, the bees, and the beneficial trees! For more information about Skidaway Audubon, visit

Pictured above is a Certified Wildlife Habitat metal sign.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.