Public Works...Working for You!

Brightview Landscape Contract Maintenance

Brightview staff is working to complete the fence-line cutbacks this week.  Beginning February 17, they will transition to marsh outfall maintenance.

This annual marsh outfall maintenance (on 64 marsh outfalls) is conducted during the winter months (December-February). BrightView Landscapes removes the sediment buildup up to six feet into the pipe and piles all material removed from the structure along the maintenance easement adjacent to the outfall structure to dry. The piles of material require approximately one-to-two weeks (depending on weather) to dry. Once the piles are dry, the material is removed from the site. It is important to note that staff from the Association and BrightView access these outfalls through Association-owned easements.

Additionally, before any of this work is conducted, all property owners adjacent to these structures are notified via written correspondence placed in their mail tubes.  All work associated with outfall maintenance is included within our annual landscape contract.

Lagoon 67 Bank Re-stabilization

In-house staff installed a rock retaining wall and riprap along the bank of Lagoon 67 this week (located on Peregrine Crossing).  This section of the lagoon bank was eroding, thus requiring immediate repair to prevent damage to the roadway and equalization pipe.  Completing this repair in-house saved the department upwards of $10,000 that would have otherwise been spent in contracted services. 

Pressure Washing TLA Amenities

This week, in-house staff began pressure washing TLA-owned amenities to include the Delegal Marina Sunset Room, TLA Administration Building, Public Works Building and gatehouses.  Staff also utilizes this time to check the gutters on each facility and to clean the solar panels located on the roof of the TLA Administration Building.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.