General Manager's Update

By Shari Haldeman -
General Manager/COO, The Landings Association
Dear Residents, We have completed two of our three Budget Workshops, with the first focusing on the budget process and budget overview, and the second focusing on changes to the budget since 2018. You can read details of the November Workshop here and view the video online via The Landings Association’s Facebook Group or YouTube page. Our third and final Budget Workshop of the year will be December 16, at 6 p.m., in the Sunset Pavilion. It will focus on the results of the ongoing Reserve Study, conducted by a Reserve Specialist. This Study will help determine if The Landings Association has the proper level of funds in our Capital Reserves, as well as an appropriate future funding plan. This is a key step in determining the Assessment (property owner dues) required to maintain our community. In December, the Finance Committee and Board will approve the 2020 Budget. As always, this comprehensive document will be posted online ( > Governing Documents). You will be able to read about accomplishments and challenges for 2019 as well as focus areas for 2020. With a flat Assessment since 2018, we have had to make some cuts to service levels, while maintaining our core community services. The Association’s goal (from Board, to committees, to staff), has been to make the least-impactful cuts while devoting all available funds to our Capital Reserves, for the repair and replacement of our vital infrastructure assets. Though the Association recently suspended operations at the Recycling Center due to lack of viable recycling markets and options, the work continues of the Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Committee on ways to highlight the first two “R”s, especially. In addition, the Association recently began a Waste Not Wednesday email, with tips on how to reuse items that otherwise may go to the landfill. So be on the lookout for some helpful tips each week. In the December edition of The Landings Journal, we honor the more than 700 Landings volunteers who have worked to make this a better community. Our sincere thanks to these residents who care intensely about The Landings and give their time and attention to improving where we live. If you know of a person or group that went above and beyond this year and should be considered for 2019 Volunteer of the Year or Volunteer Group of the Year, please let us know. You can submit a nomination at Some of those volunteers noted above include the Board of The Landings Association, which recently elected its Board Officers for 2020. President John Holmquist, Vice President Jim Morgan, Treasurer Tony Martin, and Secretary Judy Monaco were elected by the Board for one-year terms of office beginning January 1. I look forward to working in partnership with the entire Board, as well as our other volunteers, staff, and the community in the New Year. As noted in 2019 President LeeAnn Williams’ column, she is moving away from the Savannah area. We know we have had a challenging year, and LeeAnn’s leadership has been a steady and calming influence in bringing the community together. It has been my pleasure to have worked with LeeAnn, and I wish her the very best in her new life adventure. Have a Happy Holidays!

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.