Weather Station Installations Continue Across the Island
The weather tends to vary in different parts of Savannah, specifically in the different areas on Skidaway Island. Someone can be putting their boat in at Landings Harbor Marina with the sun shining, while another resident is experiencing rain while watching their dog play at the Dog Park.
Last year, a subcommittee of the Strategic Water Committee was formed to compile a list of active weather stations in the community to understand better rainfall data across the island. The active weather stations on Weather Underground include a combination of residential and Association-owned stations. The stations that the Association helps maintain were generously donated by Skidaway Audubon and are located at Landings Harbor Marina, Delegal Creek Marina, and The Landings Dog Park.
Special thanks to Rick Cunningham, Dawn and Vince Cordo, and Bob Hainly for their time and help with the installation process at the Dog Park! To access the weather station at the Dog Park, please visit To view other weather stations in the community, use the plus sign to zoom in on the map to the right of the station summary. Then click the number nearest the community location you are interested in viewing.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.