Public Works...Working for You!

TLA/TLC Lagoon Quarterly Meeting

On Tuesday, Sean Burgess, Amber Capps, and Jason Alstad met with The Landings Club’s Chris Steigelman and Tyson Helsel to discuss next year’s lagoon services contract and maintenance. TLA staff prepared the contract and memorandum of agreement for the maintenance and responsibility of lagoons and lagoon structures. This memorandum of agreement will be the second of three agreements between the two entities to clarify asset ownership within the community. Once reviewed and approved by each organization, staff will begin to work on the agreement related to the maintenance and replacement of storm drain infrastructure.

Building and Grounds Department

On Monday, Building and Grounds staff began the annual preparations for the holiday season, which included pressure washing the playground equipment and The Landings Association’s Administration Building. Next week, staff will progress to the Moon River and Marshview Landing Access Control Facilities to pressure wash and paint the signage of each gatehouse. The holiday preparation is anticipated to be completed by November 22.

In conjunction with the annual holiday preparation, staff bid the pressure washing of the exterior of the Delegal Sunset Pavilion and surrounding concrete to two companies -- Pro Wash and Eagle Wash. Eagle Wash provided the lowest bid and was subsequently awarded the project. Eagle Wash completed the work associated with this project on Thursday, which was funded through the department’s operational budget.

Islander’s Retreat Erosion Repair

A 60-yard section along Islander’s Retreat began to erode this week as a result of spring tides. In-house staff backfilled the area with asphalt millings and top-dressed it thereafter to further compact the road right-of-way. Staff will continue to monitor the area to ensure that further erosion does not exist.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.