Public Works...Working for You!
Cost Savings on GA Natural Gas Accounts
Staff completed the negotiations with Georgia Natural Gas at the end of last week and the final cost-savings with the Association’s 10 accounts are outlined below:
-Reduction in therm price from $1.33/therm to $0.519/therm
-Monthly customer service charge reduced from $6.95 to $5.95
-Additional monthly line item discount of $0.12/therm (for 12 months)
-One-time $25 statement credit per account (totaling $250)
Staff will begin to see these cost-savings within the next 1-2 billing cycles.
Georgia Power Meeting - Street Lights
On Tuesday, our Georgia Power representative,Tammy Moore, contacted staff to notify us that we would not receive an increase to our bill for the new LED streetlight upgrades within the community. Additionally, staff informed Ms. Moore that the Association would require the installation of a shield around the new LED lights that are installed near residential homes. Ms. Moore was amenable to this requirement and suggested that we install the shields on a case-by-case basis. Staff will continue to evaluate the test lights at the following intersections: Landings Way South and Activity Drive and Westcross Road and Franklin Creek Road South. Once staff makes a final determination on the color/type of LED lighting that is best for the community, staff will move forward with the implementation of the upgrades with Georgia Power. In the meantime, we request that Board members make a point to visit the test light locations.
2019 Road Project
Bennett Paving completed the sealing of Tealwood Land, Bosun's Circle and Royal Tern last week.
Due to an equipment failure, Bennett Paving was unable to complete the sealing of Belle Isle Lane last week. The sealing of Belle Isle Lane is tentatively scheduled for Friday, October 11.
Tree Maintenance on Common Property
This week, in-house crews pruned the fence line at the Recycling Center and Landings Harbor Marina. Although the tree crew cutback some of the limbs that are contributing to the increased leaf litter in the boats on the Dry Stacks, our equipment was not able to reach certain areas. Staff informed Marina staff so that they could contract this work out to a local tree company if deemed necessary.
TLA Conference Room Painting
Due to its high usage, TLA Conference Room’s walls and trim were showing signs of wear. Staff bid the painting of the conference room out to two local contractors: JF Paint and Certa Pro. Certa Pro provided the lowest bid for the project and completed the work last week. This interior paint project was funded through the department’s operational maintenance budget.
Dog Park Initiatives
The Dog Park has reached an all-time high of 400 patrons this year! Over the last five years, participation has been between 225 and 350 dogs, but we have never reached a total of 400 patrons. This increase in patrons is largely due to the hard work of the Dog Park Committee and Committee Chair, Karen Feeney. Together, they have created so many fun events for the park’s members and their furry friends! A big thank you to Karen and the rest of the committee for their time and dedication to this community amenity!
This week, a new picnic table was installed at the park which was funded by a generous donation from a resident. As a reminder, all operational improvements and upgrades to the park are funded by its membership fees or donations. Make sure you keep an eye out for additional communications regarding the park’s Howl-o-ween which will take place on October 25 at 4 p.m.
Bridge Maintenance
Over the last couple of weeks, staff has continued to address several maintenance items on the bridge that connects Pine Shadow Court to Tanaquay Court.This week, staff installed copper caps to the top of the piles along the bridge. Staff is working to adjust the sizing of the copper caps and anticipate a resolution within the next two weeks. Staff is also evaluating several staining products to help blend the newly decked bridge in with the current pilings.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.