Budget Workshops This Fall

By Dianne Talcott - diannet@landings.org
Director of Budget, Planning, & Analysis

Have you ever looked at your Landings Association’s Annual Assessment (Property Owners Dues) Statement and wondered why funds are split between General Assessment and Capital Reserve Assessment? Have you ever looked at the Association’s Budget Book on our website (www.landings.org) and wondered why funds are allocated to certain projects immediately while other projects get pushed down the timeline to receive attention in future years? What are these enigmas known as Operating and Reserves, and what makes up these annual budgets? You don’t have to ponder these questions any longer, because The Landings Association’s Finance Team has plans to share the answers to these and many other questions with all interested members at the upcoming Budget Workshops.

Three Budget Workshops are scheduled for this fall, each with a unique focus. All the workshops will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. at Delegal’s Sunset Pavilion and will be live-streamed on the Association’s Facebook Group page. The Budget Workshop schedule is as follows:

  • October 16: Budget Process and Budget Overview
  • November 13: Changes to Budget Since 2018
  • December 16: Reserve Study Results

Mark your calendars and join us for this opportunity to understand better The Landings Association’s Budget Process.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit landings.org to read the original article.