Coming Soon: Fall Planting Season at Skidaway Farms
Would you like to learn how to plant, grow, and harvest fresh, fall veggies? How do you feel about spending more time in nature, eating your own homegrown, fresh veggies, and partaking in the camaraderie of the Farm? If all this sounds like something you’d love, then visit us at Skidaway Farms and see what’s growing!
Fall planting began at the end of September and runs into early October, when our Savannah heat begins to moderate. The fall/winter garden season goes through February. It’s our kinder, gentler garden season.
We have in ground 10’ x 20’ plots with overhead irrigation available. The cost for the plots is $100/year, with a $75 weed deposit that is refundable should you decide to stop farming and the plot is in good, weed-free condition.
Come visit us at Skidaway Farms and see what’s growing! We are located just down the road from the Recycling Center on McWhorter Drive next to Evergreen Tree company.
For more information, email Jane Kollmann (
Spring 2019 at the Farm. Photo courtesy of Linda Dillard.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.
Visit to read the original article.