Public Works...Working for You!
2019 Community Path Project
Absolute Concrete crews are continuing with the demolition and concrete pour along the section of path on Shellwind Drive. To date, the contractor has completed the conversion path up to Stargrass Retreat. The contractor anticipates completion of this project by August 16.
In-house staff completed backfilling the area along the community path on Landings Way South from The Landings Association Administration Building up to Delegal Road. Staff will progress along Landings Way North to Wiley Bottom Road next week.
2019 Road Repair Project
To date, Bennett Paving has completed 90% of this year’s project scope. The contractor is remobilizing to a project in South Carolina and will return to The Landings within the next three weeks to complete the remainder of the project. During this time, staff, in conjunction with Thomas & Hutton, are continuing to develop a punch list for the project for Bennett Paving to address upon their return (to include Franklin Creek Road South, Priest Landing Drive, Middleton Road, and Shellwind Drive).
Utilities, Inc. Water Main Break
On Wednesday, Bennett Paving repaired the area at the intersection of Landings Way South and Westcross Road where Utilities, Inc. had a water main break. As a reminder, all work associated with the repair, to include Public Works’ staff time, will be at the expense of Utilities, Inc.
Delegal Sunset Room AV Equipment
During the setup of the Sunset Room last week, staff noticed that the audio/video equipment was nonoperational. In-house staff attempted to trouble shoot the equipment; however, it was not successful as it appeared that a lightning strike damaged the 4-way HDMI splitter. Staff ordered the splitter and it was intended to be installed on Wednesday by Cunningham’s Audio Video Professionals (our service provider). Upon further review by Cunningham’s, it was determined that a lightning strike had also damaged several other components to include the receiver, Comcast cable box, surge protector, projector, and the HDMI cord. In-house staff is working with Cunningham’s to repair and/or replace the damaged equipment and anticipate the AV Equipment to be fully operational by the end of next week.
North Gate Storage Room
On Monday, in-house staff began the replacement of the exterior door and several band boards along the exterior of the North Gate. During the replacement, staff found that termites were active. Staff immediately contacted Yates Astro, our service provider, who treated the area within an hour. Luckily, the infestation was limited to a small area due to a metal trim plate that runs above the band board. Staff will continue to monitor the building to ensure that further damage does not existent. The Association did not incur additional charges for this termite treatment as it is included within our annual service contract with Yates Astro.
BrightView Landscapes Plant and Flower Installations
On Thursday and Friday, BrightView Landscapes replaced the flower beds at Landings Harbor, Delegal Marina and the Marshview Landing Gatehouse with the following varieties: durantes, caladiums, coleus, and other annual flowers. The designs were reviewed and approved by the Center Island Committee and are funded through BrightView’s annual contract.
BrightView Landscapes completed the installation of pine straw and plant varieties around the Marsh Tower to further enhance the area around the amenity after the conversion of path (from asphalt to concrete) last month.Â
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.