Who would have predicted August weather in May and June? Wow! Triple digits are not favorable for this Ohio gal. O.K. I am done complaining. Afterall, I do live in Paradise!

Recently, I got to experience what the heat does to some personalities. It can make some people crankier than a Banty Rooster. Well, you know what they say…If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch (or in the air conditioning). I remember the words of a great boss of mine: “You only get one chance to make a good impression.”
As I watch our Junior Farmers come in and harvest their veggies with such pride, I beam with joy. Farmers Jane and Jill have created a spectacular group of young farmers. They have taught them how to be good farming neighbors and partners, to be proud of their work, and how to grow vegetables all of us adult farmers envy.
On that note, there is little more pride than when two of my 12 grandchildren came to visit from Johns Creek, Georgia and brought their gardening tools and gloves. Thomas is three, and Patrick is 15 months. They call me Nannalin, and I truly think they thought they were at an Easter Egg Hunt when they were picking my cucumbers.
“Look, Nannalin. There is a cucumber hiding under every leaf!” they exclaimed.

Picking cherry tomatoes was similar to hitting the lottery. Add a few squash, peppers, and beets, and their joy was uncontainable. However, the excitement came to a screeching halt when we pulled carrots, and Thomas was dismayed because carrots should not be dirty or have those fluffy green stems. Oh, what a joy that they may just enjoy farming as much as Nannalin!
That following Wednesday, I was at the farm weeding (absolutely the worst year for weeds). I hear the same squealing sounds of young voices just like my grandchildren’s.
“Look, Nanna. It’s a cucumber! Nanna, I found two!” I quickly grabbed my phone/camera and asked permission to snap some pictures of another Nanna, “enjoying the fruits of her labor.” These three happy children were truly enjoying their hunt. It was déjà vu all over again; only they were picking their Uncle Farmer Steve’s harvest. Their Nanna was quite proud. Just then, Farmer Kevin comes through the gate and offers his sunflower plants for the children to pick and make their Nanna a bouquet. Yes, the world was all right in these magical moments.
Yes, it’s hot, but Skidaway Farms offers so much more than just veggies. It presents lasting childhood memories with grandparents, parents, aunts, and uncles. It also puts huge smiles on many a Nanna’s face.