Public Works...Working for You!
Marshview Landing and North Gate Equipment Replacement
On Wednesday, May 15, Remote Technology began the replacement of the gate system equipment located at the Marshview Landing Access Control Facility. Barring any unforeseen delays (e.g, severe inclement weather), the new Marshview Landing gate equipment should be fully operational by Friday, May 17. A Swift 911 communication was sent to the Marshview residents in advance of the project along with a communication that was placed in their mail tube.
Remote Technology intends to begin the North/Marshwood Gate equipment replacement on Monday, May 20 with a completion date of May 23. Communications on this project also were sent via email.
During and after the installation, TLA staff (Public Works and Security) will be working with the contractor to become familiar with the new system and assist with any maintenance/troubleshooting that may occur down the road.
As a reminder, this project was approved by the Board in March and is funded through our Capital Asset Management Plan ($78,921.69).
Main Gate Exit Lane Plantings
Over the last week, staff received a number of residential concerns regarding the Main Gate exit lane plantings. Overall, the concerns were related to the lack of adequate space for golf carts to pass one another alongside the path. The current design allows for cart traffic to slow speeds and position themselves off of the path to allow for other traffic to pass. Many residents travel at higher than normal speeds in this area which is the main source of concern. Throughout the project, staff has continued to evaluate the distance of the plantings and trees to ensure the proper amount of space is available and have adjusted the plantings as needed. In addition, staff will be grading and back filling low areas along the cart path’s wooded side to ensure adequate space. Additionally, staff has been providing information on same to all residential inquiries.
2019 Community Path Project
Absolute Concrete continued through this year’s project scope this week with the demolition and conversion of community paths from Shellwind Drive up to Sedgewater Retreat. The contractor will continue to progress through the project scope.
2019 Road Repair Project
Bennett Paving began paving Thibault Lane, Kelsall Lane, and Cameron Lane this week. Additionally, the contractor began milling Middleton Road on Wednesday and will pave the road thereafter.
2019 Mailbox and Sign Painting Program
On Friday, Five Star Painters completed the painting of all mailbox posts, mailbox numbers, and yard plaques in Moon River and Marshview Landing. The contractor will progress to Westcross Road and its side streets next week.
1,500 Gallon Above Ground Diesel Tank
In February, a 1,500 Gallon Above Ground Diesel Tank was approved in the amount of $4,165.15. The previous diesel fuel tank had the capacity to hold 500 gallons of diesel fuel which only lasted approximately 12 days. In order to better meet the fuel needs of the department and the 13 pieces of equipment that operate on diesel fuel (e.g., street sweepers, tractors, dump trucks, jetter truck, backhoe, etc.), staff replaced the old 500-gallon tank with a 1,500-gallon tank. On May 1, Meco of Savannah installed the new above ground diesel tank. Thereafter, in-house staff painted the new diesel tank, along with the unleaded gasoline tank. The unleaded gasoline tank was painted red and the diesel fuel tank was painted yellow. Painting the tanks these specific colors will allow for easier identification in the selection of the fuel type needed for each piece of machinery/vehicle.
Landings Harbor Plantings
As part of the enhancement credit The Landings Association received in the annual landscape contract, BrightView installed additional plantings and trees around Landings Harbor Marina this week. Additionally, driftwood washed up at the Harbor and staff repurposed it to use as a decorative piece with the some of the new perennial installations. All installations were completed at no additional cost to The Association.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.