First Responders Update
Skidaway Island First Responders (SIFR) always are brainstorming to find ways to protect and serve our community. We look for EVERYTHING that could impede our quick and safe arrival to a medical emergency. Not long ago, we had our yearly due regard class, taught by two police officers, to remind all of us to drive more cautiously when going to a medical or fire call.
Recently, the Skidaway Island First Responders Board of Directors sat down to talk about some issues that we’re concerned about on the island. I’m sure most of you have seen and/or eaten at The Deck. After living here almost 19 years, I think it’s by far the best place for everyone who lives here.
The location is perfect. It’s awesome for young families with kids and certainly makes the pool more appealing. With all the good this fabulous new place brings, it also comes with some chaos in the parking lot.
As we get closer to the end of school and beginning of summer, the number of kids at or near The Deck will multiply. It’s easy to tell parents to please make sure their kids aren’t running around in a parking lot with a blind spot from the entrance. However, we still can’t get some parents to stop allowing their children to drive golf carts.
This brings me to our biggest concern for all the people who are driving cars and golf carts going to The Deck. We all must be vigilant about driving at a snail’s pace when going around the curve leading to the facility. We must assume a child will be running down the steps and into the lot. I’ve seen it time after time since it opened…kids going from the parking lot to the steps and back again. Once it gets dark and people and things are harder to see, it increases the risk of a horrible and tragic event when you pair a vehicle with a child. We all know how that will end.
The SIFR have made changes in our policies and procedures as to where we will park to avoid accidents as we head to a medical emergency at The Deck, pool, bocce, pickleball, and tennis courts, and any other location at 910 Franklin Creek Road. I hope all of you also will make some modifications the next time you head to this fabulous place on Skidaway Island. Drive slowly. PLEASE, do NOT let your kids drive golf carts on the island and specificallyin that lot. Pay attention. We will be there in case of ANY medical emergency. We hope and pray that by making small changes and slowing down, we won’t have to face our greatest fears as emergency medical responders…an accident involving a child.
As always, we are grateful to all of you who continue to support the SIFR. We are honored to be able to serve this beautiful community!
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.