Residents Urged to Be Mindful of Uncured Concrete on Community Paths
Public Works Staff members and their contractors are hard at work replacing asphalt community paths with concrete along Landings Way South towards Delegal Circle.
During this process, we have encountered some vandalism by residents of all ages moving barriers and destroying uncured concrete by walking, writing names, placing handprints in the concrete, and allowing their animals to run through the paths.
To date, the Public Works Department has spent upwards of $3,000 repairing these damaged areas.
Please be respectful of barriers and allow our staff and contractors to conduct the community path work that benefits everyone. Should you witness any type of vandalism, please contact Landings Security immediately at (598-1982, Option 3).
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance as we continue to improve the infrastructure throughout our community.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.