Spring Pine Straw Pricing
If you are planning to install pine straw this spring, following is pricing from two local landscape companies. To take advantage of these prices, please contact the companies directly as you get ready for springtime in Savannah!
Hester and Zipperer: [DELIVERY ONLY]
Long Needle - $4.25/bale
20-bale minimum
To place your order, please call 912-355-1950.
Herb Creek (Sandfly): [DELIVERY or Pick-up]
Long Needle - $3.69/bale
20-bale minimum/200-bale maximum
$35 delivery fee
To place your order, please call 912-691-0108.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit landings.org to read the original article. https://landings.org/news/2019/03/27/spring-pine-straw-pricing