Misuse of Online Residential Directory Emails

It has come to our attention that emails from The Landings Association’s online residential directory were used to send an unsolicited political message today (March 1, 2019). We know the emails came from this directory due to some specific concerns shared by those who received the emails. Please realize this is a clear violation of the following Rule:


“The Landings Association maintains a list of email addresses and contact information on the Association’s website, for those residents who choose to be listed. This contact information is viewable only to those who have website accounts with the Association. Residents who want access to the website can have accounts where they hide their information from the online directory, should they so choose. In any case, businesses are prohibited from using email addresses gathered from the Association’s website for any purpose. Any email to Association members with emails gathered from the Association’s website must have the name and contact information of the property owner at The Landings responsible for the distribution. Commercial or political distributions are prohibited, as are any messages that solicit business. Any distribution to 50 or more emails must first be approved by The Landings Association.”

If you want to hide your email address online, visit www.landings.org and login. Go to “My Account” in the upper, right-hand corner of the screen, click the Edit Contact Info tab, scroll to the bottom of the page, and where it says “Show in Directory?” click No.

Also, as noted in The Landings Association’s Rules and Regulations, please be mindful of the two, following Rules:

Mail Tubes

“Mail tubes are intended only for neighbor-to-neighbor communications, as well as for Landings Association notices. Businesses are prohibited from using the tubes. Any item placed in a mail tube must have the name and contact information of the property owner at The Landings responsible for the distribution. Commercial or political distributions are prohibited, as are any messages that solicit business. Any distribution to 50 or more properties must first be approved by The Landings Association.”

Yard Signs

“All signs must be approved. Only three types will be approved: General Contractor (for houses under construction and being renovated on the outside), For Sale, and Open House signs. All signs must face the street and are not permitted on the golf courses. See the Architectural Guidelines for further details.”

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit landings.org to read the original article.