Marinas Update
The weather has been unpredictable lately, but many of us still are hoping for an early spring. The interior renovation of the Landings Harbor store recently was completed. The renovations include new vinyl wood floors, scraped ceilings, a fresh coat of paint, and new energy-saving LED lights. The upgrades give the store a fresh new look just before the busy summer season.
To help get us more in the mindset of the much-anticipated season, we have lots of new merchandise arriving. Don’t forget, we carry more than just great apparel in the store. We also have the items required for boating, such as Interstate cranking and deep cycle batteries, OrPine boat soaps, various cleaning supplies, and engine oil. Marina members will continue to receive 10 cents off per gallon on all fuel purchases. Fuel purchases of more than 100 gallons receive 30 cents off per gallon. Please remember, you are encouraged to share suggestions you may have for new items in the store with Marinas Office Coordinator Megan Collins (912-598-1901 or
Free Vessel Safety Checks will be offered by the Coast Guard Auxiliary on March 23 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Landings Harbor Marina. Don’t miss this great opportunity to make sure your vessel is up to federal safety standards, giving you peace of mind in an emergency that you have the necessary equipment to save lives and call for help.
Reducing water usage is a top priority at the Marinas. Staff recently purchased a saltwater pump for Delegal Creek Marina. Not only has it saved a boat from sinking, staff are reducing water usage by using the pump to wash the floating docks. Since the new dock materials are made of concrete, fiberglass rods, synthetic nuts, composite boards, and stainless screws, there is no risk of the saltwater rusting any part of the docks. This push is part of the Marinas’ ongoing effort to be environmentally friendly, as well as financially responsible. Water timers have been installed to help reduce water usage at Landings Harbor. Water nozzles also are a great way to save water when washing your boat and are available for purchase in the ship store. We need your help in our effort to conserve water. If you notice any leaks, please report them to a Marinas staff member, and we’ll get it fixed as soon as possible.
Finally, don’t forget to like us on Facebook ( and check the online calendar ( to learn about all the upcoming cruises and exciting events taking place this season at the Marinas.
As always, happy boating, and see you around the Marinas!
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.