Spotlight on Community: The Landings Woodworkers Guild
Group Name
The Landings Woodworkers Guild
Who We Are
The Landings Woodworkers Guild was founded in the fall of 2014 when seven area residents met to discuss forming a club for people who enjoy woodworking. Abilities within the group ranged from an owner of a furniture manufacturing company, to highly skilled amateurs, to relative beginners. The one thing we all had in common was a passion for creating things with wood. It was decided that we would not actively advertise the Guild or solicit members. Rather, the founders would invite those they met with a known interest in woodworking and let word of mouth do the rest. Today, the Guild has nearly 20 active members.
What We Do
Guild members meet once a month in our homes. Most meetings center on a demonstration of a favorite skill, technique, or tools, but we also cover design and history. There also is a show-and-tell period when members can show projects or pictures of projects they have recently completed. Other activities include group charity projects, community projects, tool sharing, project help and advice, and outside speakers.
Members participate in field trips to area points of interest, including SCAD design studio, the Port of Savannah, and the Benedetto guitar factory. Guild members, working individually or in teams, donate creations to many charity auctions, helping to raise significant funds for these organizations. Most recently, Guild members built 12 bat houses for the Skidaway Audubon. These houses will be placed on the edges of some of our golf courses in the near future.
How You Can Become Involved
While the Guild does not actively solicit members, anyone with a strong interest in woodworking is welcomed. Interested persons do not need to be highly skilled or have an extensive workshop. To learn more about the Guild and to contact us, visit our website (
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.