We are celebrating the 45th anniversary of the founding of Landlovers. Did you know that since its inception, Landlovers has given away more than $1.3 million through grants, scholarships, and service awards? We couldn’t do it without the commitment and participation of our members. To learn more about our many activities and fundraisers, visit
www.Landingslandlovers.com/happenings, or contact Landlovers Membership Chair Lynn Stephens (
Landloversmembership@gmail or 912-228-5383).
Savannah Golf Championship Skyway Capital Markets Pro-Am Raffle
Would you like a chance to play with a professional golfer on the Web.com Tour? This is an opportunity you won’t want to miss! Landlovers has partnered with the Savannah Golf Championship to raffle off an experience in the Skyway Capital Markets Pro-Am tournament. The winning foursome will receive the following:
- Play a round inside the ropes with a Web.com Tour professional Wednesday, March 27, 2019.
- Receive four invitations for two to the Pairings Party, Tuesday, March 26 at GhostCoast Distillery.
- Enjoy a $500 exclusive gifting experience during the Skyway Capital Markets Pro-Am.
- Enjoy access to The Landings Company’s Eagles Nest on #18 Green during competition (Thursday – Sunday), an all-inclusive venue with access to private restrooms.
Raffle entrants (by foursomes only) will have a one in 50 chance of winning. Foursomes can increase their odds by purchasing more than one chance. Raffle tickets are $200 per foursome. To enter the raffle, the foursome’s captain must register and pay for the foursome. This event is open to men, women, and mixed foursomes. Club membership is not required to enter the raffle.
The raffle drawing will be held February 24, 2019 at the Schooner Cove Drink Challenge Party in Plantation’s Ballroom. The winning foursome does not need to be present at the drawing.
Enter the SGC Skyway Capital Markets Pro-Am Raffle at landloversevents.eventsmart.com, and pay via PayPal or Club Member Number. For questions or more information, call Laurie Milano (914-474-4943) or Mary Schmidt (703-401-1621).
Join Landlovers for the following events. Registration is now open!
Luncheon & Games Day
Thursday, January 24 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Bridge, Bunco, Canasta, Dominoes, Mahjong, Poker, Scrabble, or your favorite game. All Casual Play / No Tournament Play, but each table can play for money. To register and pay for the Landlovers Games Day and Luncheon, visit
Landlovers Winter Social: An Invitation to The Grand Ole Opry
February 7 from 5:30 to 10 p.m. Reservations will be accepted through January 28, or until tickets are sold out. The non-refundable cancellation date is January 28. To register and pay for this event, visit our website (
www.landingslandlovers.com) or
2019 Flea Market - Saturday, March 9
Declutter and set aside items you no longer need or want for the Flea Market. For larger items such as furniture, garden, or sports equipment before the March Intake, please email
landingsfleamarket@gmail.com. Intake Dates are March 2, 3, and 4.
2019 Auctionmania - Tuesday, March 12
Family treasures, such as antiques, artwork, silver, or jewelry are needed. Please contact Kathie Anderson (912-598-8498 or
kkwa16@aol.com) if you have items you wish to donate. All donations are tax deductible and benefit local scholarships and other Savannah organizations.