General Manager's Update

Karl Stephens -
General Manager/COO

Dear Landings Association Members,

Recently, when going through the 100+ comments on the updated draft Rules and Regulations, one theme became clear. There needs to be more focus on traffic control and enforcement on the community paths and streets in The Landings. We heard you, and your Association will investigate ways to achieve this as we move forward. Thanks again to all who took the time to write and offer comments and suggestions.

The next document going through extensive review and revision is The Landings Association’s Architectural Guidelines. These necessary Guidelines outline what is and is not allowed for the homes in our community. The dedicated Architectural Review Committee members have been starting their twice monthly meetings 90 minutes early to focus on potential updates. The goal is to make the Guidelines as clear, consistent, and responsive as possible to our current and future needs. Just like with the Rules and Regulations, once draft updates are made, this document will be distributed to the community for feedback and input. It’s a busy year for governing documents review! Thank you in advance for your willingness to share your thoughts and suggestions on the upcoming proposed changes to the Architectural Guidelines. We look forward to hearing from you.

You can read about our ongoing budgeting process in this month’s Budget Box. Even with this detailed planning, we can’t foresee all required expenditures. Recent storms caused a sinkhole in one of our roads, leading to the discovery of a storm drain that required repair before further road damage could be created. The repairs will cost close to $100,000. This is why it is so important to have a strong Capital Reserves Fund…not just for the expected repairs and replacements, but also for the unknown and unexpected issues that might arise.

Have you downloaded our Landings Association app yet? If not, please visit your respective app store and search for “Landings Association”. Please be sure not to search for “The Landings Association”, as that will bring up our old mobile app that soon will be deleted. Once we confirm you are a Landings resident, you will be granted access to the app and all of its many features. When you start using the app, let us know what you like and what could be better. If yet another phone app is not your idea of a good time, no problem. Check out this article, outlining the various communications platforms we manage and how you can customize TLA communications to fit your needs. We’re always trying to improve our communications channels.

One way we can improve is to measure exactly how well we are serving you. As part of that, we will partner with a research team to conduct a community survey this fall. We’ve worked hard to shorten the survey from what we’ve distributed in the past, while maintaining the pertinent questions, and adding some new ones as well. When you receive the survey, please take the brief time required to weigh in and let us know what you think.

Finally, the election of three new Board Directors will begin in September. For the first time, we are going all digital with our vote. This means we won’t print and mail ballots as we have in the past, offering the option to vote online or by paper ballot. This move will save your Association $15,000. For those who still want to vote via paper ballot, we will print those on demand in our Admin Building (600 Landings Way South). Please review the candidate credentials when you receive the information and take part in the voting process.

As always, please let me know if I can be of help. I am always happy to hear from you if you have questions, concerns, or just want to say hello (   


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.