Sign Up for Smart911 Alerts
Have you signed up for The Landings Association's new emergency alert system, Smart911? The new platform, Smart911 by Rave alert, replaces our Swift911 system.
Emails via this platform will come from a different email account. If you sign up to receive text messages on your phone, you also will notice a change in the phone number. Please note that text messages from this new system can come from a few different numbers, but all messages will be clearly marked as The Landings Association or TLA.
Although the system we are using is changing, please be assured that the content of the messages will remain the same. Click here to view a step-by-step video on how to sign up for Smart911 alerts. To sign up to receive the new Smart911 alerts, click here. The system recommends using your email address as your User ID. Please be sure to select all distribution lists you wish to be included in via the new system (e.g., TLA General Alerts, TLA Traffic Alerts, TLA Utility Alerts, and TLA Lost and Found Pets, etc.). Please note, even if you were previously signed up forSwift911, you still need to sign up for the new platform to continue receiving alerts and opt-in to the available distribution lists. If you signed up for Smart911 alerts through Chatham Emergency Management Agency (CEMA), when they launched the system, you can use the same link as above and then click on “Sign In”. If you cannot remember the User ID or Password you used, click the Forgot User ID or Password option. Also, when signing up, Xfinity Mobile is not yet listed as a carrier option. If you are an Xfinity Mobile customer, please keep the default carrier option of Verizon.
Following are some step-by-step instructions for opting into TLA Alerts once you have created your account.
Step 1: Access the Smart911 platform by clicking here. If you have not yet signed up, use the right-hand side of the form to "Sign Up Today" If you already have created an account, use the left-hand side of the form to "Sign In" with your user id and login.
Step 2: Once logged in with your user name and password, click on "opt in now" on the bottom right-hand side of the screen.
Step 3: On the next screen, make sure you have checked your preferences at the top and then scroll down the page to opt into TLA alerts. If you check the box to the left that reads “All Opt-In Recipients Emergency Notifications from The Landings Association” it will select all of the TLA alerts and then you can uncheck the ones you do not want. Be sure to click the green “Save” button on the bottom left of the screen when you are done. Congratulations, you are all signed up!
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.