Public Works...Working for You!

Courtesy of Landings Public Works

2021 Road Repair and Replacement Project

Bennett Paving completed milling and paving Phase 2 of Delegal Road (Spartina Lane to Landings Way South) on Tuesday. The contractor will begin milling and paving the southbound lane of Landings Way South from Huntingwood Retreat to just past the Palmetto Club entrance on Monday May 24.  Communications have been sent via e-bulletin and can be found here. 

2021 Storm Drain Project

Southeast Pipe is 90% complete with this year’s storm drain project. They have one pipe left to line and are awaiting materials to complete this repair which will conclude the 2021 project scope.         

2021 Community Path Project

Absolute Concrete is working on the conversion of path (from asphalt to concrete) on 475 LF of path from Half Penny Circle to #6 Terrapin Point this week. Thereafter, they will address the remaining section of path along Tidewater Way and then move into Marshwood near Landings Harbor.

Gate House Tree Pruning

Staff completed the final phase of our gatehouse annual tree pruning at the North Gate, Deer Creek, and Main Gate this week. This program was completed in-house this year rather than contracting it out which is a substanial cost savings for the Association.

TLA Solar Panel Cleaning

In-house crews completed an inspection and cleaning of the solar panels this week. Staff cleans and inspects the panels three times a year, which improves the light quality and allows the panels to generate more power. A portal was created for residential use, and the daily, weekly, and monthly energy production can be viewed by clicking here.

Temporary Cleaning

Over the next five weeks, The Association is utilizing the services of Jan Pro, one of our current service providers, for all janitorial needs at the Administration Building, the Main Access Control Facility, and the Public Works Building. The Building and Grounds Department currently has three open positions and one of the existing three employees will be out on medical leave beginning Monday, May 24. Jan Pro currently services the restrooms at Delegal Marina and has completed additional janitorial services for TLA-owned buildings in the past when employees have been out on leave. 

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.