Public Works...Working for You!

Courtesy of Landings Public Works

2020 Road Repair and Replacement Project

Bennett Paving completed the paving of Village Green Circle on Tuesday. Thereafter, Bennett continued to work on the punch list items associated with the project and is scheduled to mill and pave Brandenberry Road next week. All roads that have been completed thus far will be striped next week (only those roads where striping previously existed and is warranted).

2020 Mailbox and Street Sign Painting Program

In-house staff completed all pre-work associated with the mailbox and sign painting program on the following roads this week: Westferry Court, Amberly Court, Cotton Crossing West and Prestbury Lane. Crews will progress to Fore Royal Circle, Top Gallant Circle and Mainsail Crossing next week.

Delegal Fixed Pier Board Replacement

In-house crews replaced 60 damaged/deteriorated deck boards along the Delegal Fixed Pier last week. Staff will continue to replace boards as needed during the department’s monthly inspection of the pier.

Tree Removal following the Weekend Storm

The tree crew spent a great deal of time removing felled trees on common property following last week’s heavy rainfall and storm along the Nature Trail, the community path that connects Hasleiter’s Retreat to Log Landing Road and several other areas throughout the community.

Flower Change-Outs

This week, BrightView Landscapes began the installation of new flowers in the remaining flower beds at the gatehouses and TLA-owned facilities. As a reminder, this service is included within our annual landscape contract.

Coral Ardisia (Ardisia crenata) Plant Species on Skidaway Island

Lagoon crews noticed the introduction of Coral Ardisia (Ardisia crenata), an exotic plant species with the potential to become invasive, on Skidaway Island. Inhouse crews will remove the species located on common property and begin to educate property owners on this invasive plant. An article will be published in The Landings Journal in the coming weeks.


2020 Community Path Project

Absolute Concrete completed the conversion of the community path from Pine Shadow Court to Westcross Road last week.  The contractor is currently in the demolition process on the path from Tarrow Ridge Road to the Oakridge Clubhouse. 

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.