Public Works...Working for You!

Courtesy of Landings Public Works

2020 Road Repair and Replacement Program

Bennett Paving completed the paving of Franklin Court and Fat Friars Retreat this week. Staff has continued to send communications via Swift 911 and mail tubes which outline the contractor’s progress and any delays throughout the ongoing project. Barring any asphalt plant closures, Bennett Paving will progress to Franklin Creek Road North next week. 

2020 Community Path Program

On Wednesday, Absolute Concrete began Phase 1 of this year’s Community Path Program beginning with the following paths (which will be converted from asphalt to concrete):

  • Along Tarrow Ridge Road from Pine Shadow Court to Westcross Road; and
  • From Tarrow Ridge Road to the Oakridge Clubhouse.

During this work, these paths will be closed to all traffic, including walkers, cyclists, runners, golf carts, etc. Please use alternate routes as golf carts, and other traffic will be directed to use Tarrow Ridge Road or Westcross Road.  Communications were sent via e-bulletin in advance of the project. Barring any delays (weather, plant closures, etc.), these paths are anticipated to be completed by late-April.

McWhorter Community Path Bridge Deck Board Replacement

This week, in-house staff replaced 30 boards on the McWhorter Community Path Bridge.  All boards that were replaced had deteriorated beyond repair. Staff will replace additional boards as needed once the department’s stock has been replenished. 

Delegal Marina Light Post Staining

In-house staff pressure washed and stained the light posts that are situated around the perimeter of the Delegal Marina Sunset Room this week. This maintenance was completed to help extend the lifespan of the light posts, while bringing uniformity in color among the posts. 

Lagoon 106 Strucure Replacement

Crews in the Construction and Environmental teams completed all work associated with the Lagoon 106 check valve installation. The new check valve will help regulate the saltwater intrusion into the lagoon, while providing adequate drainage for stormwater run-off.  As an aside, this was a 2019 project which was delayed due to a backlog of parts, etc. and was funded through the Capital Reserves Fund. 

Lagoon Bank Cutbacks

Lagoon cutbacks have continued along Lagoons 48, 68, 71, 122, and 146. As a reminder, the purpose of the annual lagoon cutback program is to remove unwanted vegetation from the lagoon banks while promoting beneficial vegetation growth.



This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.