Behind the Scenes with Public Works: Marsh Outfall Maintenance

Courtesy of Public Works

Annual maintenance conducted by The Landings Association’s Public Works Department and its contractors likely is only noticeable by those residents that it directly affects. One such project is our annual marsh outfall structure maintenance. The Landings Association has approximately 64 marsh outfall pipes located throughout the community. Throughout the year, these structures accumulate silt, sand, leaves, and other organic material. The material must be removed annually, to allow proper drainage flow through these outfalls.

This work (which is included in our landscape contract with BrightView Landscaping) is conducted during the winter months (December-February). BrightView Landscape removes the sediment buildup up to six feet into the pipe and piles all material removed from the structure along the maintenance easement adjacent to the outfall structure to dry. The piles of material require approximately one-to-two weeks (depending on weather) to dry. Once the piles are dry, the material is removed from the site. It is important to note that staff from the Association and BrightView access these outfalls through Association-owned easements.

Before any of this work is conducted, all property owners adjacent to these structures are notified via written correspondence placed in their mail tubes.

The next time you see a material pile located along the marsh easement, rest assured that your Public Works Department and contractors are hard at work conducting the necessary maintenance to our marsh outfalls.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.