Public Works...Working for You!
Secret Underground Water System of The Landings Presentation
On Monday, Sean Burgess was the guest speaker for the Landings Garden Club. The topic for Monday’s presentation was the Secret Underground Water System of The Landings. The presentation included an overview of how The Landings’ storm drain and lagoon systems work together. Sean also highlighted the maintenance practices for both assets, which included cost estimates and an overview of our replacement process. The presentation was well-received, with more than 80 residents in attendance!
TLA Playground Mulch Replacement
This week, BrightView Landscapes replaced the mulch at The Landings Association’s playground. Over the next several weeks, in-house staff will be conducting additional maintenance in this area to resolve some drainage issues. As a reminder, this annual mulch replacement is included within our landscape contract with BrightView.
Electrofishing in Lagoons
CCA (Coastal Conservation Association) volunteers, in conjunction with TLA staff, conducted electrofishing in 30 freshwater lagoons this week. The electrofishing process sends a weak electrical current through the lagoon water that temporarily stuns the fish. The fish are then collected, identified by species, weighed, and measured. This information is used to determine the relative weights of the fish and identify predator/prey relationships in the lagoons. It also is used to determine the overall fishery health of the lagoons and for future stock recommendations. This program is generously funded by the members of CCA.
Dog Park Weather Station Installation
A weather station was installed at the Dog Park last week. A big thanks to Rick Cunningham, Dawn and Vince Cordo and Bob Hainly for their time and help with the installation process! Staff, in conjunction with residential volunteers, have installed various weather stations around the community to better understand the actual rainfall data that occurs on the island. To access the community’s current weather stations, please visit the following link:
Buildings and Grounds Department
In-house staff continued the annual preparations for the holiday season by pressure washing and painting the signage around each gatehouse. Crews currently are working in Deer Creek and Oakridge and will progress to the North Gate and Main Gate next week. In addition to this work around the gatehouses, staff are cleaning all directional and monument signage throughout the community. This work is anticipated to be completed by November 22.
Landings Way North/Wiley Bottom Storm Drain and Road Repair
Southeast Pipe, Bennett Paving, and Absolute Concrete completed the repair work associated with the storm drain and roadway at the intersection of Landings Way North and Wiley Bottom Road this week. The pipe in this area was failing due to a pipe separation which was causing the curb and road to sink. Additionally, this pipe is a critical part of The Landings’ storm drain system and is essential for vehicular traffic in the community, thus requiring immediate repair and replacement. This critical repair was funded through the Association’s Capital Reserves fund.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.