General Manager's Update
Dear Residents,
We now have posted The Landings Association’s 2018 Annual Report online. This document highlights accomplishments and challenges from 2018 as well as expectations for 2019. This report is prepared for property owners, and I hope you will take some time to review at your leisure by going to > Annual Reports. Each department provides detailed reports and statistics that provide information on our operations. The Annual Report also includes our audited financial statements.
Congratulations to Volunteer of the Year Bob Longueira and Volunteer Group of the Year Sustainable Skidaway! We truly are appreciative of the meaningful contributions by both Bob and Sustainable Skidaway to enhance the quality and character of The Landings. These residents demonstrate, through deeds and actions, their commitment to make positive and lasting impacts on our community that benefit all. Please join us in thanking these volunteers.
As we prepare for the annual street repair and resurfacing program, we’ve received some calls regarding our curb repair work. TLA is replacing a total of 300 lineal feet of curb identified by Thomas & Hutton Engineers in advance of street resurfacing. This work is required due to deteriorated and damaged sections, primarily at the turn radius, and most often subject to damage from large trucks. We’ve learned through these calls that residents are confusing this TLA work with the simultaneous Landings Club replacement of 8,000 lineal feet of cart path on its property.
We were recently jolted by news from The Marshes that golf carts are not permitted to travel on or across public streets without being designated for this purpose by the local government. I consulted the County and State laws, our legal counsel, our County Commissioner, and the County Engineer to verify this information. All confirmed that this is correct, and the County must designate the crosswalks on public streets in order to be legal for golf cart travel. I’ve made a formal designation request on behalf of our community and am currently awaiting a response. The affected locations include the crosswalk on Diamond Causeway (from Oakridge into The Village) and the crosswalk on McWhorter Drive (from our main entrance into The Village). None of the streets within The Landings or within The Village are public streets and so are not subject to this law. Please be mindful of this situation as we await the response to our request.
We’re beginning a four-part series on how to care for the various types of grass common to our area – Zoysia, St. Augustine, Centipede, and Bermuda. The Landings Association continues to experiment with the best options to withstand the heavy shade on our island, standup to foot traffic, and require minimal watering to conserve that precious resource. As part of that, we’ve planted Empire Zoysia at our Admin Building (600 Landings Way South, to the left of the back entrance as you enter the building), as it has strong drought tolerance and lush, green color. In addition, we’ve installed Zeon Zoysia at Delegal Creek Marina, as its main advantage is its shade tolerance, which is required in that area.
March is when our community events start to kick into high gear, from Sunset Sips educational events to Wassaw Island explorations. You’ll also see participants from four local schools taking part in the current session of Girls on the Run. Please look to our calendar ( to learn how to take part in these events and more, and enjoy all this great community has to offer!
We’re now going out for proposals from firms for our Community Survey that we conduct every two years. This year, we also plan to hold targeted focus groups to help further delve into residents’ concerns, desires, and feedback in a more detailed way. It is critical that as many residents as possible participate in these vital processes so that we can understand how best to serve you while maintaining a competitive community.
Meanwhile, get outside and enjoy the beautiful maritime forest setting that we all love!
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.